About C-App
C-App AS was established in summer 2015. The company has Norwegian owners with broad expertise in, sea and shore transport, hotel and lodging, IT and economics.
C-app offers services for travelers along the road and the coast. Our main focus is travelers along roads and recreational boats as well as market places.
The service can also be used by businesses in the transport. Advertisers will be profiled on website with mobile friendly features.
The service gives users an opportunity to pick and tailor their information on the journey. Users who are planning a trip or are underway will find available information on the map.
For general users are services free and open.
Our customers will have a personal page where they will administer and manage their personal account and own ads.
In addition to building up a service for travelers along the way and coastal, the C-App team has a network of expertise in economics, tourism, maritime transport, ICT, education / training and risk / cost benefit analysis.
Through a wide network of highly qualified professionals will C-App offer studies and consultancy services in the international market.
Our customers shall be confident that C-App delivers professional services with high quality.